Maple Sugar Child is a celebration of the African American child. The name comes from a poem by Langston Hughes:
Winter Sweetness
The little house is sugar,
Its roof with snow is piled.
And from its tiny window,
Peeps a maple-sugar child.
The inspiration for this blog comes from a book that I am writing. Black Child, Black Love encourages African American parents to take a pro-active approach toward building self-esteem and finding the giftedness in our children.
To understand why building self-esteem in African-American children so important let's start at the beginning... Several million years ago a little child walked up right and left a footprint on the earth of Africa. Today anthropologists revel in the excitement of that footprint as they try to unravel his (her) story. Some of humanity's greatest development and best success stories took place in that small corner of the world.
Today every child needs to leave his (her) own footprint on this earth. African American children need the opportunity to be able to nurture their talents and reach their potential. They need to know their history and they need to know that they are loved so that their story will be one of success.
Maple Sugar Child will provide information and inspiration for raising children in a multi-dimensional world. In the end it is about the joy of parenting and working with children. It's about building character and self esteem. It's about our future and the potential to create a new and better world.
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