I can't believe it has been a year since I wrote this post. As we continue to heal and thrive toward greatness, changes may seem very slow. But Black History Month reminds us again of all that we have accomplished, and that celebrating our history is a year long event.
Welcome to Black History Month 2023! For the past 2 years we have experienced some very challenging times. Many of us have experienced lost, separation and pain. Our community has been devastated in many ways because of Covid, violence and economic hardships. Many pillars of our community have been lost. Grandparents, parents, teachers, medical professionals, family and friends who have supported us and our community are no longer here. Even if we have not been touched personally there is still a collective grieving as a community. This month gives us an opportunity to thank God, honor our ancestors and inform our children. Our history shows us that we have the resilience to heal and rebuild when we love and support each other. Let our light shine.