Saturday, May 18, 2024

70th Anniversary Brown vs Board of Education

Kansas City artist Michael Young created the Brown v. Board of Education mural inside the Kansas Capitol in Topeka in 2018 to depict the legacy of the 1954 landmark U.S. Supreme Court desegregation case that had its roots in Topeka.

 Black history needs to be told and celebrated year round especially when we see our history is still being banned and left out of history books and school curriculums in certain states. Today seventy years ago the U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Brown v. Board of Education changed the trajectory of public education and sparked the end of segregated schools. A group of families challenged separate but equal laws and won. So as we commemorate  this event we are  reminded every day that our Civil Rights are still in jeopardy, and there is so much more work to be done.

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