Monday, October 12, 2020

South African Animated Film Takes on Climate Change

 Look for more Black Girl Power in 2021

South Africa-based Lucan has released a trailer for their upcoming animated series, Isaura, currently in development. The series follows Isaura, a young girl from a fishing village in Mozambique who attains the ability to breathe underwater and communicate with turtles as she journeys along the east coast of Africa. The series will feature her fight to conserve the ocean, as well as various social and political climate change issues.

Isaura is the brainchild of Lucan, an animation and film collective based in Cape Town. The series fuses Africa’s southern and eastern coastal folklore and culture, emphasizing the importance of a young, African female protagonist when so much of modern media diminishes and depicts African countries as victims of war, poverty, and environmental devastation. Throughout the season, viewers will travel through the streets and coast of Mozambique with Isaura and her family, who make their living as fishermen in a small village. Isaura evolves into a bright young woman, teaching young audiences to be empowered, despite how small and insignificant they may feel at times.

Director Andrew Mcnally and AD Wian van Bergen at Lucan: “The show centers around Isaura, a resilient and resourceful girl living in a coastal village in Mozambique.

“After risking her own life to save a turtle, she is rewarded with a powerful and ancient talisman that allows her to breathe underwater and communicate with turtles. As bearer of the Talisman, Isaura becomes the first human guardian in centuries entrusted with protecting the ocean and restoring the connection between humans and animals.

Look for Isaura in 2021. It is still in development and has no confirmed release date.

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